October 9, 2022

Securing IoT Devices With Identity Access Management (IAM) Systems

Importance of Identity and Access Management Systems In IoT Device Security

Smart devices are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a convenient way to combine internet connectivity with physical devices, opening up huge opportunities in a variety of applications.

However, as these devices are often connected to the internet, they can be vulnerable to attack. In this article, we explore IoT device vulnerabilities and how Identity and Access Management (IAM) tools can help authenticate devices and increase data security.

There are several different ways that sensitive data can be secured, but one of the most important is Identity and Access Management (IAM). IAM can help to prevent unauthorised access to IoT devices and data and allows for more granular control over what users can do with these devices.

Current Challenges of IoT Device Security

One of the key challenges in securing IoT devices is that they often have very limited processing power, making it difficult to run comprehensive security measures. This means that it is important to carefully consider which security measures are appropriate for each device, and how these can be implemented in a way that does not impact on the usability of the device.

Another key challenge is insecure data transfer, as many IoT applications transmit data it is critical to secure the IoT ecosystem as hackers seek to exploit weaknesses on corporate networks to access sensitive information or launch broader attacks.

To overcome these challenges, IoT security companies have developed increased remote access and security controls which identify both connected devices and their users.

Types of Security Risks to Connected Devices

The internet of things (IoT) is composed of interconnected devices that can collect and share data. While this increased connectivity has many benefits, it also creates new security risks. IoT devices are often less secure than traditional computer systems because of larger remote environments, increasing vulnerabilities for IoT devices.

Remote Environments

IoT devices can provide attackers with a gateway into other parts of the network. Once an attacker has gained access to an IoT device, they can use it to launch attacks on other devices on the network. This can allow attackers to gain control of the entire network, including any sensitive data that is stored on it.

Weak Passwords and Legacy Systems

Another potential vulnerability is weak or hardcoded passwords, or other insecure default settings which can create an entry point to the IoT ecosystem. With large numbers of devices connected, it often becomes difficult to ensure each connected device is managed and passwords updated before hackers can exploit legacy systems.

IoT Botnets

Smart devices with weak security protocols can also be exploited as part of an IoT botnet. Remote IoT devices with weak security protocols can be remotely accessed and exploited by cyber criminals to launch IoT botnet attacks, which can overwhelm critical systems.

Using IAM Systems to Protect against Security Risks

To protect against these risks, organisations need to implement security measures such as identity and access management (IAM). IAM can help to secure IoT devices by providing a way to control who has access to them and what actions they can perform, otherwise known as role based access control.

By restricting access and identifying user identities, organisations can reduce the chances of an attacker gaining access to their network by securing the IoT ecosystem.

How to Protect Your IoT Devices

Though many IoT devices are consumer-oriented, such as smart thermostats, home security systems, and connected cars, an increasing number of industrial and commercial organisations are also implementing IoT solutions to improve operational efficiency and gain new insights into their businesses.

With the rapid growth of IoT devices in businesses, comes an increased risk of cyber-attacks. Most IoT devices are not adequately secured, leaving them vulnerable to attack. In addition, many IoT devices use legacy protocols that were not designed with security in mind. As a result, it is important for organisations to take extra steps in their IoT device management.

One way to secure IoT devices is to use identity and access management (IAM). IAM can be used to control who has access to each device and what actions they can perform. For example, an organisation may give its employees access to certain types of data from IoT devices but restrict access to other types of data. IAM can also be used to monitor activity on IoT devices and quickly identify suspicious activity.

Another way to secure IoT devices is through encryption. Encryption can be used to protect data stored on IoT devices and transmitted between them. By encrypting data, organisations can make it more difficult for attackers to access or modify it.

You should also consider using firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to protect their IoT devices. Firewalls can be used to block unauthorised traffic from reaching IoT devices, while IDS/IPS can be used to detect and prevent attacks.

Finally, installing the latest security patches will help prevent hackers compromise IoT devices and gain access through outdated device firmware. Attackers are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities, so it is important to install security patches as soon as they are available.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Systems for Smart Devices

A recent study by HP found that “70% of IoT devices are vulnerable to attack”, and as the number of IoT devices continues to grow, so do the opportunities for cyber criminals.

One of the biggest security concerns with IoT devices is that they are often unsecured and lack proper authentication methods. This means that anyone who gains access to your network could potentially control your IoT devices. That’s why it’s important to have a robust identity management solution in place for your IoT devices.

An IAM solution can help you secure your connected devices by providing a centralised way to manage users and their permissions. With an IAM solution, you can ensure that only authorised users have access to your IoT devices and that they can only perform actions that you have approved. Additionally, an IAM solution can help you keep track of which users accessed which devices and when, so you can quickly identify any suspicious activity, and monitor lifecycle management.

Implementing an IAM solution is essential for securing your IoT device and protecting your data. However, it’s important to choose an IAM solution that is specifically designed for IoT devices. Traditional IAM solutions may not be able to provide the level of security or granular control that you need for your IoT devices.

One option to consider is KeyScaler by Device Authority. KeyScaler is an IoT platform that includes an IAM solution specifically designed for IoT devices. With KeyScaler, you can manage users and permissions, as well as monitor activity and audit logs. KeyScaler also offers a variety of other features that can help you secure and manage your IoT devices, such as device management, data management, and security monitoring.

Ensuring IoT Device Security

In conclusion, IoT devices are becoming increasingly popular, but they are also becoming more vulnerable to attack. It is important to be aware of the potential vulnerabilities of these devices and to take steps to protect them. One way to do this is by using Identity Access Management (IAM) to secure access to IoT devices.

IAM can help to prevent unauthorised access and help to track and monitor activity on these devices. By taking these security measures, we can help to protect our IoT devices from being used for malicious purposes.

To learn more about Device Authority’s KeyScaler platform and how you can manage your IoT devices, click here: https://www.deviceauthority.com/platform/

[1] https://www.securityweek.com/70-iot-devices-vulnerable-cyberattacks-hp

Louise José