Happy NIS2 Day…or is it? Navigating the shift from NIS to NIS2 and how to support long-term compliance

Happy NIS2 Day…or is it? Navigating the shift from NIS to NIS2 and how to support long-term compliance

As digital transformation accelerates, so do the cybersecurity risks, particularly for organisations handling critical infrastructure and sensitive data. To address these challenges, the European Union has updated its cybersecurity regulations with NIS2 (Network and Information Security Directive 2), expanding and strengthening the original NIS Directive, which was established to improve cybersecurity across essential sectors. As the deadline for NIS2 compliance is upon us, let’s take stock of its implications and how to ensure its benefits continue long into the future.


From NIS to NIS2: What’s Changed?

The NIS2 Directive introduces significant updates and enhancements compared to the original NIS Directive, reflecting the evolving threat landscape. Key changes include:

  1. Broader Scope: NIS2 expands its reach beyond the sectors included in NIS. More industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, supply chain management, and digital infrastructure, are now within the directive’s regulatory purview.


  1. Higher Security Standards: Organisations must implement stricter security measures, including risk assessments, incident response capabilities, and supply chain security, to protect their networks and data from cyberattacks.


  1. Management Accountability: Senior executives and board members are now explicitly accountable for cybersecurity failures, with potential legal and financial consequences for non-compliance.


  1. Incident Reporting: Under NIS2, companies are required to report significant cyber incidents within 24 hours, ensuring swift response and transparency.


  1. Enforcement & Penalties: The penalties for non-compliance have become more severe. Organisations found in breach of NIS2 can face substantial fines, making compliance a critical concern for businesses.


Why Compliance with NIS2 Matters

For businesses operating in the EU or serving customers within the EU, compliance with NIS2 is not just a legal requirement; it’s a necessity for safeguarding reputation, maintaining customer trust, and ensuring business continuity. The directive addresses an essential need in today’s digital-first world: resilience against cyber threats, especially in sectors like manufacturing, energy, transport, and healthcare, where operational disruptions can have far-reaching impacts.

Given the heightened focus on supply chain security, organisations are under pressure to protect not only their own networks but also the devices and systems integrated across their supply chain ecosystems, making IoT security a pivotal concern.

10 Key Elements of NIS2 Compliance

To achieve compliance with NIS2, organisations need to focus on the following ten key elements:

  1. Risk Management: Implement effective risk management processes tailored to the evolving threat landscape.
  2. Supply Chain Security: Secure all elements of the supply chain, ensuring third-party partners adhere to the same security standards.
  3. Incident Response: Develop and maintain robust incident detection and response capabilities, ensuring timely reporting.
  4. Vulnerability Handling: Regularly assess and mitigate vulnerabilities in systems and devices.
  5. Accountability: Ensure top management is accountable for cybersecurity practices and failures.
  6. Access Control: Implement strict identity and access management (IAM) systems for users and devices.
  7. Encryption: Protect sensitive data with encryption at rest and in transit.
  8. Security of Network and Information Systems: Safeguard the critical systems that support your operations.
  9. Monitoring and Auditing: Continuously monitor networks and devices for security events and maintain logs for auditing.
  10. Compliance and Reporting: Maintain comprehensive compliance documentation and demonstrate adherence to the directive.

The Importance of Long-Term Enforcement

Achieving compliance with NIS2 is not a one-time task; it requires continuous enforcement and proactive risk management. Compliance shouldn’t be viewed as a box-ticking exercise but as an ongoing commitment to cybersecurity and, in addition to robust internal processes, external threat vectors must also be considered and mitigated against. Device Authority’s KeyScaler supports organisations in maintaining compliance with real-time monitoring, automated security enforcement, and continuous updates, addressing new vulnerabilities as they emerge. This long-term enforcement is critical to staying ahead of sophisticated cyber threats and ensuring business resilience over time.

Let’s see how it can help:

  1. Automated Device Identity and Access Management:

The proliferation of IoT devices across critical sectors adds complexity to managing identities and ensuring that only trusted devices are granted network access. Device Authority’s KeyScaler automates the onboarding, authentication, and lifecycle management of IoT devices, ensuring they are secure from the moment they are deployed throughout their operational lifetime. This helps organisations ensure compliance with NIS2’s requirements for robust access control and identity management.


  1. End-to-End Device Encryption:

NIS2 emphasizes protecting sensitive data in transit and at rest. KeyScaler provides end-to-end encryption for data between devices, ensuring that data is secure even as it moves across networks and supply chains. This is especially crucial for industrial IoT environments, where data is frequently transferred between devices and systems across multiple points of vulnerability.


  1. Supply Chain Integrity:

One of NIS2’s key updates is the requirement to secure the entire supply chain, recognizing that the vulnerability of one weak link can compromise an entire system. With KeyScaler, organisations can securely manage the identities of all IoT devices in their supply chains, ensuring that only trusted and verified devices can interact with critical systems. This helps prevent attacks that exploit supply chain vulnerabilities, such as inserting malicious devices or software into the system.


  1. Real-Time Incident Response:

A critical aspect of NIS2 is the ability to quickly detect, respond to, and recover from cyber incidents. KeyScaler’s real-time monitoring, combined with its automated certificate and key management, ensures rapid detection and resolution of device vulnerabilities, minimizing downtime and mitigating damage in case of a breach. The platform also supports fast, secure patching of vulnerabilities, reducing the window of opportunity for attackers.


  1. Compliance Support and Reporting:

With increased regulatory scrutiny under NIS2, organisations must demonstrate compliance with regular audits and documentation. KeyScaler’s single dashboard view of an organisation’s connected devices provides detailed logging, monitoring, and reporting features that facilitate compliance audits and help organisations stay on top of their security posture. This ensures they can prove adherence to NIS2’s standards and swiftly address any gaps or issues that arise.


Ongoing Enforcement and Cyber Resilience

Achieving compliance with NIS2 is not a one-time task; it requires continuous enforcement and proactive risk management. Device Authority’s solutions help organisations maintain ongoing compliance by providing automated, scalable security for their IoT ecosystems. As cyber threats evolve, KeyScaler’s adaptive approach to IoT security ensures that organisations remain resilient against attacks, while staying compliant with the latest regulatory requirements.

For CISOs and security leaders, investing in the right IoT identity and access management solution is essential not only for compliance but for safeguarding business operations and ensuring long-term cyber resilience.


The shift from NIS to NIS2 marks a new era in cybersecurity regulation, where organisations face greater accountability and more complex security requirements. With the expanded scope of industries and heightened focus on supply chain security, the stakes are higher than ever for organisations to protect their networks and critical infrastructure. KeyScaler provides a powerful, automated solution that not only supports compliance with NIS2 but also ongoing enforcement and cyber resilience, positioning businesses to thrive in an increasingly connected and regulated world.

By adopting a proactive approach to IoT security, businesses can not only meet regulatory obligations but also strengthen their defences against the growing threat landscape, making them more resilient and competitive in today’s digital age.