Transport & Automotive MD PPC

Transport & Automotive

In the automotive industry, the increase in IoT technology has revolutionized vehicle functionality and connectivity. While this brings commercial benefits, this increased connectivity also introduces new cybersecurity risks, making robust IoT security paramount in order to protect connected vehicles.

PKI Management For Connected Cars Secure Key Generation, Storage and Distribution


A major vehicle manufacturer utilizes PKI Certificates for vehicle identity, authentication to network services, and data encryption. ​Throughout the vehicle’s lifetime ownership needs to be securely transferred if the vehicle is sold or leased to a new owner, requiring a new certificate to be securely provisioned to the vehicle. ​
This requires PKI-based security and Automated Identity Lifecycle Management for the vehicle and its connected applications.​


Device Authority’s KeyScaler is used to provide: ​

  • PKI Services for IoT with Automated Identity Lifecyle Management including certificate provisioning, renewals, and revocations for connected vehicles​
  • KeyScaler trust anchor technology for vehicle Telematics Control Unit (TCU)​
  • KeyScaler Security Suite for automated integration with Microsoft Azure IoT and Connected Vehicle Platforms​


Leverages existing PKI investment

Simplified security supply chain

Enables secure ownership transfer


Device Authority and Entrust partnered to provide solutions to a global manufacturer of automotive components that has multiple secure manufacturing lines that require a Key Distribution and Management System and PKI service to provision digital certificates to each OEM.
This manufacturer needed to be able to securely transport keys from the OEM delivery service to the remote factories. These keys are injected directly into the OEM’s vehicle electronic components, which are then distributed to end customers for inclusion in their finished automotive products. Those finished products needed to be able to close the loop with the initial key provider for auditing purposes.


Device Authority’s KeyScaler and Entrust PKI were implemented to provide:

  • A hybrid and high scale PKI service to provision digital certificates as a trusted identity, unique to each OEM
  • Certificate Lifecycle Management capabilities to reduce management overheads and risk
  • Device Identity management via the use of Device Authority’s Dynamic Device Key Generation (DDKG) technology
  • KeyScaler, a key distribution and management solution backed by the PKI, to securely transport keys from the OEMs of production equipment to remote factories worldwide
  • Policy-driven Encryption with granular read/write access permissions HSM Access Control for integration with third-party
  • HSM for secure and automated key generation and storage using HSM
  • Key generation and usage reporting for auditing


Faster time to value

Streamlined device security reducing admin burden

Accelerated incident response and reduced liability

Connected Vehicle

Find out more about how our Connected Vehicle solution enables vehicle ownership transfer, secure digital identity and trust, secure over the air updates and code signing and vehicle access control and supports data privacy and compliance.

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Dynamic Device Key Generation is Device Authority’s patented trust anchor technology utilizing the unique hardware attributes of a device to establish a strong root of trust.

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Benefits at a glance

Secure by design, flexible security options

Safe and secure vehicle access via Bluetooth or NFC

Minimise the threat of car accidents or car theft due to hackers

Granular level access privileges including: engine starting, door unlocking, and speed restrictions

Allow for car sharing and leasing businesses to easily give time-bound access to their customers

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