PAM for IoT/OT

PAM for IoT/OT Identities

Privileged Access Management (PAM) has emerged as a critical pillar in safeguarding interconnected devices and networks. In the dynamic landscape of IoT, where billions of devices communicate and exchange data autonomously, the need to manage privileged access has never been more paramount.


Device Authority’s PAM for IoT/OT solution addresses the unique challenges posed by the vast array of interconnected devices, ensuring that only authorized entities can access sensitive resources and perform privileged actions. By implementing robust access controls, monitoring mechanisms, and automated workflows, PAM for IoT enables organizations to fortify their security posture, mitigate risks, and safeguard critical assets from unauthorized access and potential cyber threats.

The integration between CyberArk and Device Authority KeyScaler provides a unique, best in class solution to Enterprise IoT Access Management at scale. It enables organizations to control the authorization of connected devices in their network via a device centric identity model, enhancing identity governance by extending CyberArk Privileged Access Management to IoT devices, and strengthening an organizations Zero Trust by automating password rotation and security policies.


The growing number of connected devices within enterprises requires a secure method for automating access and information exchange without human intervention, eliminating costly mistakes. As with human identities, the ability to continuously monitor and control access to these devices and their data is key to achieving Zero Trust, reducing the network’s vulnerability to cyber-attack.

“We have implemented a Privileged Access Management strategy but I don’t have a solution for IOT and unmanaged devices outside the corporate network”

CISO, Enterprise Organization

Spotlight Solution

Integration of KeyScaler with CyberArk

The integration with KeyScaler extends the benefits of Privileged Access Management to IoT ecosystems, enabling organizations to automate the complexities of monitoring and controlling access to devices within their connected environment. Through this integration critical security policy is automatically enforced at a granular level for both the user and device without the need for manual human processes, which are time consuming and prone to error.

  • Simplify provisioning and management of IoT device identities to control access into Enterprise Applications such as Microsoft Azure IoT Hub.
  • Automate Security Lifecycle Management, including zero touch renewal of credentials for headless IoT Devices
  • Create authorization policies and groups for IoT Devices, allowing authorization of devices into multiple environments at a granular level ​
  • Automate rotation of credentials via Secure Asset Transfer scripts delivered securely to the device
  • Direct KeyScaler integration with CyberArk for a single pane of glass user experience
Read The Joint Solution Brief
A Manufacturing Plant’s Success with Automated Privileged Access Management


In this hypothetical use case we explore a modern manufacturing plant, where IoT/OT devices and machinery are increasingly being interconnected to optimize production, monitor equipment health and ensure safety compliance. However, with the growing number of connected devices comes a significant challenge:

The lack of visibility and control to enforce strict privileged access management on its OT/IOT devices.

Due to legacy deployments and configuration of its IoT/OT assets, the factory was vulnerable to unauthorized access and potential cyberattacks. Manual processes for managing machine identities and device updates were not only time-consuming but also prone to human error, leading to potential security risks, unnecessary downtime, poor OEE and questionable data integrity.

The security team needed a scalable solution to automate device onboarding, identity lifecycle management, and privileged access control while maintaining compliance with existing corporate security policies.


The organization already had a comprehensive strategy to manage privileged access to sensitive data and devices managed by IT Security in its administration centers. By integrating Device Authority’s KeyScaler automated identity security platform with their existing Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution, they addressed these same challenges across their factory environment, allowing the factory to extend privileged access controls to assets beyond the reach of traditional IT systems.

Key benefits of the solution included:

  • Elimination of Human Error: KeyScaler automated the device onboarding and registrations processes, which removed the need for manual intervention, significantly decreasing error rates and improving overall security.
  • Unified IT and OT Security: KeyScaler enabled the security team to extend centralized authorization policies to critical IoT/OT devices on the factory floor, ensuring that only authorized users could access sensitive systems and data critical to the manufacturing process.
  • Simplified Visibility and Control: The integration with their existing security applications provided a single pane of glass for monitoring and managing device access, enforcing compliance with corporate security standards, and mitigating the risk of unauthorized access.


Key benefits

Simplified provisioning and management of device identities

Automated lifecycle management

Robust access controls

Data protection

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